Tutoring Policy
We understand life can happen and things can change unexpectedly, please notify us at your earliest convenience of any changes to our tutoring session. We strive to be very punctual and would expect the same from our clients. If changes are needed to be made, please contact us directly to determine whether a refund is necessary, a reschedule OR funds returned in a form of a gift card, for future purchases on our site, is best.
No call/No show: If our session has not begun after 15 minutes of the scheduled time and we have not communicated, the session will be cancelled and a refund will not be granted, a new session must be booked.
Effective Jan 1,2022: Invoices must be paid in full 48 hours prior to our scheduled tutoring session. Any invoices paid "late" will be accessed a 15% fee.
Cancellations made under 24 is in the discretion of BGM