Welcome to Blackgirlmathematics LLC official website. We are a full operational math tutoring service and everyday, we are expanding! We offer great services and products to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients. Here's a brief biography of our CEO.
Hi! My name is Chantal Brooks and I am from Detroit, Michigan. In 2013, I went off to pursue a bachelors degree at Bowling Green State University in Ohio where I was asked to be a teachers aid assistant for college algebra at age 19. Math has always been easy for me but not once did I ever think I'd be helping my college peers boost their grades and confidence in math. After my first day at the Math Emporium, on BGSU campus, I knew I was meant to teach because I loved helping people and figuring out how to make complicated topics, simple! In May 2015, I was accepted into a Science & Math program ACTION where the state of Ohio funded freshmen to pursue degrees teaching science and/or mathematics. In 2015, I was not a freshman, I was a sophomore but yet my experience, hard work and reputation led me to a never imagined opportunity and til this day, I remain the face of their website, heres the link: https://www.bgsu.edu/action/scholarships.html :)
In 2016, I was given an opportunity to move to Tucson, Arizona and I immediately took the offer. While on a job hunt I came across an opening at Pima Community College for a tutoring position. I applied and was hired on the spot! For about one year I was apart of a program--Upward Bound, which is a federally funded college prep program for less fortunate high schoolers. Upward Bound gave me the experience and confidence to help high schoolers with their math coursework. After having a successful year at PCC I decided to further my education and move to Tempe, Arizona to finish my college degree and share my knowledge in an even bigger city. I took a chance on moving to Tempe but never once regretted it because I now own my own tutoring business! Blackgirlmathematics LLC is all about teaching, giving back, learning, growing, inspiring and influencing black women & young girls to take part in the STEM program. When young girls see me as the face of BGM I want them to know they can do this too! Math has not always been my favorite subject but it is something I learned to love because I had great influences. Math can be intimidating but with help from BGM, your math experience will be much more enjoyable. Let's learn together and have fun while doing it!

On July 26, Chantal was featured on Fox 10 News in the Phoenix Metropolitan area for her determination to make learning fun again and give parents the best advice to prepare their students for back to school learning.

This year has been a great year for our brand! We've landed multiple contracts and gained partnerships with large tutoring companies seen around the nation.